Saturday 31 January 2015

Musing over Twitter..

Seven years ago, I swore that if I ever started tweeting, people could buy me some millet and a box of Trill. Twitter? Nope. Not for me, thanks. Utterly pointless.

Fast forward a year and heaven help me (and the poor sods who follow me!), I signed up, ostensibly to leave some comments on the sterling work a British actor had been producing in a soap opera. That was to be the extent of my tweeting. Six years, 600 followers and 27,000 tweets later.. Didn't quite work out as planned, but there you go..

In that six years I've tweeted about everything imaginable. Atheism, religion, evolutionary biology, politics, Laurel and Hardy, Heavy Metal, and, more recently, Doctor Who, in which I seem to have found my "niche".

What I didn't anticipate was the people I would find myself interacting with. I've seen, and railed against, some of the ugliest aspects of human nature. Racism, homophobia, bigotry, sexism.. you make it, I've probably chewed someone's ear off for doing it. I've had some delightfully hateful responses from some, even to the level of death threats. I've had the honour of being blocked by some of the most bilious blowhards imaginable, from Ann Coulter, Nick Griffin, Bryan Fischer, Anjem Choudary, Tommy Robinson and plenty more of their ilk. I consider it a badge of honour! Hell, I've even managed to acquire my own, personal stalker, although that isn't much of a claim, as the person in question seems to take pleasure in stalking anyone and everyone with whom he disagrees with, and particularly those who, inevitably, end up blocking him.

But, and here's the point of this post, I've also seen the very best of people. I've become friends with many of you. Some of those friendships have formed in unlikely circumstances, with people I wouldn't have imagined as friends a few years ago. Some friendships have been forged from mutual interests, such as Doctor Who, and some, I can't even recall how they began.

Two years ago, as most of you know, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The support I received from people on Twitter was extraordinary. My journey.. my experiences with such a pernicious disease, was made so much easier with YOUR support. For that, you all have my undying gratitude and thanks.

Some followers come and go, and that's fine. We aren't going to hit it off with everyone. But there is a group of people, from varying backgrounds, with different interests, with whom I've formed friendships which will, I hope, last for many years. Some are casual friendships, some go beyond the confines of Twitter. There are one or two with whom I've formed very close friendships, away from Twitter, while will almost certainly last a lifetime. You all know who you are. I'm not going to name names, as each person I talk to already knows how much I value their support, and aside from anything else, I would, unintentionally and undoubtedly, forget to mention at least one person, because I have a brain like a sieve! Also, a couple of the friendships I've formed are with people who are, shall we say, "in the public eye", and I'm not big on name-dropping either.

Regardless of how deep our friendships run, how well we know each other, or how often we interact, each and every one of you is equally valued, not as followers, but as friends. I received some wonderful comments last night from a number of people, which spurred this post. I don't really have much in the way of an ego to stroke, and don't really know how to react to compliments, except to say thank you. So, for all those who have been so kind, so positive, so supportive, I can only reiterate those thanks, repay them, and your friendships in kind, and wish us ALL many more years of banter, chats, "deep and meaningfuls", respectful disagreements (for, as with any friendship, they are inevitable; how we handle them defines us), and the sure and certain knowledge that between us, we have people on whom we can lean in dark times and laugh with in the good.

You all know who you are. And to each of you, thank you. Simply that. Thank you. I appreciate your support. I value your friendship. I respect your opinions, and enjoy hearing them, even when I disagree. Just.. Thank you.

See you on the Twittersphere!



The Great Doctor Who Poll 2014

For giggles, I thought it might be fun to have a look at the results of the Doctor Who Magazine poll of 2014, which analyses every aspect of the show, from stories rankings to favourite companions. As this post is rather long, I'll be commenting in my next blog post. Be afraid.. Be very afraid.. And brace yourself for swearing...!

Doctor Who Magazine #474 Poll Results

      1. The Day of the Doctor (10, 11)
      2. Blink (10)
      3. Genesis of the Daleks (4)
      4. The Caves of Androzani (5)
      5. City of Death (4)
      6. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (4)
      7. The Empty Child (9)
      8. Pyramids of Mars (4)
      9. Human Nature (10)
      10. Remembrance of the Daleks (7)
      11. The Robots of Death (4)
      12. The War Games (2)
      13. The Parting of the Ways (9)
      14. Terror of the Zygons (4)
      15. Dalek (9)
      16. The Web of Fear (2)
      17. The Eleventh Hour (11)
      18. Inferno (3)
      19. The Power of the Daleks (2)
      20. The Seeds of Doom (4)
      21. The Deadly Assassin (4)
      22. The Ark in Space (4)
      23. The Tomb of the Cybermen (2)
      24. Earthshock (5)
      25. The Five Doctors (5)
      26. The Curse of Fenric (7)
      27. Vincent and the Doctor (11)
      28. Spearhead from Space (3)
      29. The Girl in the Fireplace (10)
      30. The Green Death (3)
      31. Silence in the Library (10)
      32. Horror of Fang Rock (4)
      33. The Invasion (2)
      34. The Evil of the Daleks (2)
      35. Journey’s End (10)
      36. School Reunion (10)
      37. The Doctor’s Wife (11)
      38. The Dæmons (3)
      39. Turn Left (10)
      40. The Name of the Doctor (11)
      41. The Brain of Morbius (4)
      42. The Pandorica Opens (11)
      43. The Waters of Mars (10)
      44. Midnight (10)
      45. Doomsday (10)
      46. The Daleks (1)
      47. The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1)
      48. The Daleks’ Master Plan (1)
      49. Asylum of the Daleks (11)
      50. Doctor Who and the Silurians (3)
      51. The Three Doctors (3)
      52. The Impossible Planet (10)
      53. The Time of Angels (11)
      54. The Time Warrior (3)
      55. Last of the Time Lords (10)
      56. The Enemy of the World (2)
      57. The Christmas Invasion (10)
      58. The Impossible Astronaut (11)
      59. Terror of the Autons (3)
      60. The Sea Devils (3)
      61. The Aztecs (1)
      62. Logopolis (4)
      63. Kinda (5)
      64. Carnival of Monsters (3)
      65. Day of the Daleks (3)
      66. Father’s Day (9)
      67. The Angels Take Manhattan (11)
      68. The Snowmen (11)
      69. Fury from the Deep (2)
      70. Revelation of the Daleks (6)
      71. The Fires of Pompeii (10)
      72. Rose (9)
      73. The Mind Robber (2)
      74. The Stones of Blood (4)
      75. Enlightenment (5)
      76. The Mind of Evil (3)
      77. The Time Meddler (1)
      78. An Unearthly Child (1)
      79. Survival (7)
      80. Ghost Light (7)
      81. Planet of the Spiders (3)
      82. The End of Time (10)
      83. The Crimson Horror (11)
      84. Marco Polo (1)
      85. The Tenth Planet (1)
      86. The Unquiet Dead (9)
      87. The Abominable Snowmen (2)
      88. A Good Man Goes to War (11)
      89. Tooth and Claw (10)
      90. The Lodger (11)
      91. The Girl Who Waited (11)
      92. Planet of Evil (4)
      93. The Curse of Peladon (3)
      94. The Keeper of Traken (4)
      95. The Time of the Doctor (11)
      96. The Ambassadors of Death (3)
      97. A Christmas Carol (11)
      98. The Androids of Tara (4)
      99. Resurrection of the Daleks (5)
      100. The Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Eve (1)
      101. The Hand of Fear (4)
      102. The Unicorn and the Wasp (10)
      103. The Ribos Operation  (4)
      104. The Masque of Mandragora (4)
      105. Amy’s Choice (11)
      106. Partners in Crime (10)
      107. The Shakespeare Code (10)
      108. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (7)
      109. State of Decay (4)
      110. The Visitation (5)
      111. Smith and Jones (10)
      112. Snakedance (5)
      113. The Moonbase (2)
      114. The Pirate Planet (4)
      115. Warriors’ Gate (4)
      116. Robot (4)
      117. Mawdryn Undead (5)
      118. The God Complex (11)
      119. Hide (11)
      120. The Bells of Saint John (11)
      121. Castrovalva (5)
      122. Image of the Fendhal (4)
      123. Planet of the Daleks (3)
      124. Rise of the Cybermen (10)
      125. Planet of the Ood (10)
      126. The Seeds of Death (2)
      127. Frontier in Space (3)
      128. The Crusade (1)
      129. The Wedding of River Song (11)
      130. The Face of Evil (4)
      131. The Romans (1)
      132. Cold War (11)
      133. The War Machines (1)
      134. The End of the World (9)
      135. Vengeance on Varos (6)
      136. Gridlock (10)
      137. Invasion of the Dinosaurs (3)
      138. The Two Doctors (6)
      139. The Claws of Axos (3)
      140. The Sontaran Experiment (4)
      141. The Ice Warriors (2)
      142. The Faceless Ones (2)
      143. Full Circle (4)
      144. The Sontaran Stratagem (10)
      145. The Myth Makers (1)
      146. The Android Invasion (4)
      147. Frontios (5)
      148. Death to the Daleks (3)
      149. The Next Doctor (10)
      150. The Macra Terror (2)
      151. Let’s Kill Hitler (11)
      152. Doctor Who The Movie (8)
      153. The Runaway Bride (10)
      154. Destiny of the Daleks (4)
      155. The Awakening (5)
      156. Black Orchid (5)
      157. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (11)
      158. Voyage of the Damned (10)
      159. Battlefield (7)
      160. Revenge of the Cybermen (4)
      161. Planet of Fire (5)
      162. The Sun Makers (4)
      163. A Town Called Mercy (11)
      164. The Power of Three (11)
      165. Closing Time (11)
      166. The Highlanders (2)
      167. The Vampires of Venice (11)
      168. The Trial of a Timelord (6)
      169. Mission to the Unknown (1)
      170. The Reign of Terror (1)
      171. The Rescue (1)
      172. The Happiness Patrol (7)
      173. Aliens of London (9)
      174. The Leisure Hive (4)
      175. The Chase (1)
      176. 42 (10)
      177. The Wheel in Space (2)
      178. The Hungry Earth (11)
      179. Boom Town (9)
      180. The Doctor’s Daughter (10)
      181. New Earth (10)
      182. The Mark of the Rani (6)
      183. The Edge of Destruction (1)
      184. The Ark (1)
      185. The Rebel Flesh (11)
      186. The Beast Below (11)
      187. Attack of the Cybermen (6)
      188. The Invasion of Time (4)
      189. Night Terrors (11)
      190. Nightmare of Eden (4)
      191. Planet of the Dead (10)
      192. The Keys of Marinus (1)
      193. Victory of the Daleks (11)
      194. The Smugglers (1)
      195. The Idiot’s Lantern (10)
      196. The Invisible Enemy (4)
      197. The Celestial Toymaker (1)
      198. The Savages (1)
      199. Colony in Space (3)
      200. The Lazarus Experiment (10)
      201. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (11)
      202. The Gunfighters (1)
      203. Nightmare in Silver (11)
      204. The Armageddon Factor (4)
      205. The Long Game (9)
      206. Silver Nemesis (7)
      207. The Krotons (2)
      208. Daleks in Manhattan (10)
      209. Terminus (5)
      210. Galaxy 4 (1)
      211. The Creature from the Pit (4)
      212. The Power of Kroll (4)
      213. The Mutants (3)
      214. Planet of Giants (1)
      215. Dragonfire (7)
      216. The Monster of Peladon (3)
      217. Delta and the Bannermen (7)
      218. Four to Doomsday (5)
      219. The Web Planet (1)
      220. Love & Monsters (10)
      221. Arc of Infinity (5)
      222. The Time Monster (3)
      223. The Horns of Nimon (4)
      224. The Underwater Menace (2)
      225. The Sensorites (1)
      226. Warriors of the Deep (5)
      227. The Curse of the Black Spot (11)
      228. The King’s Demons (5)
      229. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (11)
      230. Paradise Towers (7)
      231. Meglos (4)
      232. The Space Museum (1)
      233. The Rings of Akhaten (11)
      234. The Dominators (2)
      235. The Space Pirates (2)
      236. Underworld (4)
      237. Time-Flight (4)
      238. Timelash (6)
      239. Time and the Rani (7)
      240. Fear Her (10)
      241. The Twin Dilemma (6)

      1. Season 7 (48)
      2. Season 13 (53.5)
      3. Season 14 (62.17)
      4. Season 10 (79)
      5. Season 5 (81.29)
      6. Season 26 (86)
      7. Series 4 (87.7)
      8. Season 12 (88.2)
      9. Series 1 (91.55)
      10. Season 8 (102.2)
      11. Series 5 (105)
      12. Series 3 (116.2)
      13. 2009 Specials (116.25)
      14. Series 7 (118.44)
      15. = Season 25 (124)
      16. = Series 2 (124)
      17. Season 4 (125.22)
      18. Season 11 (127.2)
      19. Season 1 (129.88)
      20. Season 9 (130.6)
      21. Season 6 (131.43)
      22. Season 18 (132.57)
      23. Season 19 (132.71)
      24. Season 16 (134.17)
      25. Series 6 (138.92)
      26. Season 20 (141)
      27. Season 21 (147.57)
      28. Season 2 (154.89)
      29. Season 15 (156)
      30. Season 17 (156.6)
      31. Season 22 (158.33)
      32. Season 3 (158.6)
      33. Season 23 (168)
      34. Season 24 (225.25)
Classic Only
      1. Genesis of the Daleks (4)
      2. The Caves of Androzani (5)
      3. City of Death (4)
      4. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (4)
      5. Pyramids of Mars (4)
      6. Remembrance of the Daleks (7)
      7. The Robots of Death (4)
      8. The War Games (2)
      9. Terror of the Zygons (4)
      10. The Web of Fear (2)
      11. Inferno (3)
      12. The Power of the Daleks (2)
      13. The Seeds of Doom (4)
      14. The Deadly Assassin (4)
      15. The Ark in Space (4)
      16. The Tomb of the Cybermen (2)
      17. Earthshock (5)
      18. The Five Doctors (5)
      19. The Curse of Fenric (7)
      20. Spearhead from Space (3)
      21. The Green Death (3)
      22. Horror of Fang Rock (4)
      23. The Invasion (2)
      24. The Evil of the Daleks (2)
      25. The Dæmons (3)
      26. The Brain of Morbius (4)
      27. The Daleks (1)
      28. The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1)
      29. The Daleks’ Master Plan (1)
      30. Doctor Who and the Silurians (3)
      31. The Three Doctors (3)
      32. The Time Warrior (3)
      33. The Enemy of the World (2)
      34. Terror of the Autons (3)
      35. The Sea Devils (3)
      36. The Aztecs (1)
      37. Logopolis (4)
      38. Kinda (5)
      39. Carnival of Monsters (3)
      40. Day of the Daleks (3)
      41. Fury from the Deep (2)
      42. Revelation of the Daleks (6)
      43. The Mind Robber (2)
      44. The Stones of Blood (4)
      45. Enlightenment (5)
      46. The Mind of Evil (3)
      47. The Time Meddler (1)
      48. An Unearthly Child (1)
      49. Survival (7)
      50. Ghost Light (7)
      51. Planet of the Spiders (3)
      52. Marco Polo (1)
      53. The Tenth Planet (1)
      54. The Abominable Snowmen (2)
      55. Planet of Evil (4)
      56. The Curse of Peladon (3)
      57. The Keeper of Traken (4)
      58. The Ambassadors of Death (3)
      59. The Androids of Tara (4)
      60. Resurrection of the Daleks (5)
      61. The Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Eve (1)
      62. The Hand of Fear (4)
      63. The Ribos Operation  (4)
      64. The Masque of Mandragora (4)
      65. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (7)
      66. State of Decay (4)
      67. The Visitation (5)
      68. Snakedance (5)
      69. The Moonbase (2)
      70. The Pirate Planet (4)
      71. Warriors’ Gate (4)
      72. Robot (4)
      73. Mawdryn Undead (5)
      74. Castrovalva (5)
      75. Image of the Fendhal (4)
      76. Planet of the Daleks (3)
      77. The Seeds of Death (2)
      78. Frontier in Space (3)
      79. The Crusade (1)
      80. The Face of Evil (4)
      81. The Romans (1)
      82. The War Machines (1)
      83. Vengeance on Varos (6)
      84. Invasion of the Dinosaurs (3)
      85. The Two Doctors (6)
      86. The Claws of Axos (3)
      87. The Sontaran Experiment (4)
      88. The Ice Warriors (2)
      89. The Faceless Ones (2)
      90. Full Circle (4)
      91. The Myth Makers (1)
      92. The Android Invasion (4)
      93. Frontios (5)
      94. Death to the Daleks (3)
      95. The Macra Terror (2)
      96. Doctor Who The Movie (8)
      97. Destiny of the Daleks (4)
      98. The Awakening (5)
      99. Black Orchid (5)
      100. Battlefield (7)
      101. Revenge of the Cybermen (4)
      102. Planet of Fire (5)
      103. The Sun Makers (4)
      104. The Highlanders (2)
      105. The Trial of a Timelord (6)
      106. Mission to the Unknown (1)
      107. The Reign of Terror (1)
      108. The Rescue (1)
      109. The Happiness Patrol (7)
      110. The Leisure Hive (4)
      111. The Chase (1)
      112. The Wheel in Space (2)
      113. The Mark of the Rani (6)
      114. The Edge of Destruction (1)
      115. The Ark (1)
      116. Attack of the Cybermen (6)
      117. The Invasion of Time (4)
      118. Nightmare of Eden (4)
      119. The Keys of Marinus (1)
      120. The Smugglers (1)
      121. The Invisible Enemy (4)
      122. The Celestial Toymaker (1)
      123. The Savages (1)
      124. Colony in Space (3)
      125. The Gunfighters (1)
      126. The Armageddon Factor (4)
      127. Silver Nemesis (7)
      128. The Krotons (2)
      129. Terminus (5)
      130. Galaxy 4 (1)
      131. The Creature from the Pit (4)
      132. The Power of Kroll (4)
      133. The Mutants (3)
      134. Planet of Giants (1)
      135. Dragonfire (7)
      136. The Monster of Peladon (3)
      137. Delta and the Bannermen (7)
      138. Four to Doomsday (5)
      139. The Web Planet (1)
      140. Arc of Infinity (5)
      141. The Time Monster (3)
      142. The Horns of Nimon (4)
      143. The Underwater Menace (2)
      144. The Sensorites (1)
      145. Warriors of the Deep (5)
      146. The King’s Demons (5)
      147. Paradise Towers (7)
      148. Meglos (4)
      149. The Space Museum (1)
      150. The Dominators (2)
      151. The Space Pirates (2)
      152. Underworld (4)
      153. Time-Flight (4)
      154. Timelash (6)
      155. Time and the Rani (7)
      156.  The Twin Dilemma (6)
Classic Series
      1. Season 7 (48)
      2. Season 13 (53.5)
      3. Season 14 (62.17)
      4. Season 10 (79)
      5. Season 5 (81.29)
      6. Season 26 (86)
      7. Season 12 (88.2)
      8. Season 8 (102.2)
      9. Season 25 (124)
      10. Season 4 (125.22)
      11. Season 11 (127.2)
      12. Season 1 (129.88)
      13. Season 9 (130.6)
      14. Season 6 (131.43)
      15. Season 18 (132.57)
      16. Season 19 (132.71)
      17. Season 16 (134.17)
      18. Season 20 (141)
      19. Season 21 (147.57)
      20. Season 2 (154.89)
      21. Season 15 (156)
      22. Season 17 (156.6)
      23. Season 22 (158.33)
      24. Season 3 (158.6)
      25. Season 23 (168)
      26. Season 24 (225.25)
NuWho Only
      1. The Day of the Doctor (10, 11)
      2. Blink (10)
      3. The Empty Child (9)
      4. Human Nature (10)
      5. The Parting of the Ways (9)
      6. Dalek (9)
      7. The Eleventh Hour (11)
      8. Vincent and the Doctor (11)
      9. The Girl in the Fireplace (10)
      10. Silence in the Library (10)
      11. Journey’s End (10)
      12. School Reunion (10)
      13. The Doctor’s Wife (11)
      14. Turn Left (10)
      15. The Name of the Doctor (11)
      16. The Pandorica Opens (11)
      17. The Waters of Mars (10)
      18. Midnight (10)
      19. Doomsday (10)
      20. Asylum of the Daleks (11)
      21. The Impossible Planet (10)
      22. The Time of Angels (11)
      23. Last of the Time Lords (10)
      24. The Christmas Invasion (10)
      25. The Impossible Astronaut (11)
      26. Father’s Day (9)
      27. The Angels Take Manhattan (11)
      28. The Snowmen (11)
      29. The Fires of Pompeii (10)
      30. Rose (9)
      31. The End of Time (10)
      32. The Crimson Horror (11)
      33. The Unquiet Dead (9)
      34. A Good Man Goes to War (11)
      35. Tooth and Claw (10)
      36. The Lodger (11)
      37. The Girl Who Waited (11)
      38. The Time of the Doctor (11)
      39. A Christmas Carol (11)
      40. The Unicorn and the Wasp (10)
      41. Amy’s Choice (11)
      42. Partners in Crime (10)
      43. The Shakespeare Code (10)
      44. Smith and Jones (10)
      45. The God Complex (11)
      46. Hide (11)
      47. The Bells of Saint John (11)
      48. Rise of the Cybermen (10)
      49. Planet of the Ood (10)
      50. The Wedding of River Song (11)
      51. Cold War (11)
      52. The End of the World (9)
      53. Gridlock (10)
      54. The Sontaran Stratagem (10)
      55. The Next Doctor (10)
      56. Let’s Kill Hitler (11)
      57. The Runaway Bride (10)
      58. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (11)
      59. Voyage of the Damned (10)
      60. A Town Called Mercy (11)
      61. The Power of Three (11)
      62. Closing Time (11)
      63. The Vampires of Venice (11)
      64. Aliens of London (9)
      65. 42 (10)
      66. The Hungry Earth (11)
      67. Boom Town (9)
      68. The Doctor’s Daughter (10)
      69. New Earth (10)
      70. The Rebel Flesh (11)
      71. The Beast Below (11)
      72. Night Terrors (11)
      73. Planet of the Dead (10)
      74. Victory of the Daleks (11)
      75. The Idiot’s Lantern (10)
      76. The Lazarus Experiment (10)
      77. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (11)
      78. Nightmare in Silver (11)
      79. The Long Game (9)
      80. Daleks in Manhattan (10)
      81. Love & Monsters (10)
      82. The Curse of the Black Spot (11)
      83. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (11)
      84. The Rings of Akhaten (11)
      85. Fear Her (10)
NuWho Series
      1. Series 4 (87.7)
      2. Series 1 (91.55)
      3. Series 5 (105)
      4. Series 3 (116.2)
      5. 2009 Specials (116.25)
      6. Series 7 (118.44)
      7. Series 2 (124)
      8. Series 6 (138.92)
Favourite Doctor
      1. Tom Baker
      2. Matt Smith
      3. David Tennant
      4. Patrick Troughton
      5. Jon Pertwee
      6. Peter Davison
      7. Sylvester McCoy
      8. Christopher Eccleston
      9. William Hartnell
      10. Paul McGann
      11. Colin Baker
      12. John Hurt
Favourite Companion (Top 15)
      1. Sarah Jane Smith
      2. Donna Noble
      3. Rose Tyler
      4. Jamie McCrimmon
      5. Amy Pond
      6. Ace
      7. Clara Oswald
      8. Jo Grant
      9. Leela
      10. Romana II
      11. Ian Chesterton
      12. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
      13. Barbara Wright
      14. Rory Williams
      15. Tegan Jovanka